Thursday, September 08, 2011

I went in to the hospital at 8am today and of course the pediatricians were not on time.  I know that i should just expect this by now but i keep thinking that maybe just once someone would be on time here!!! Everyone here is on GMT--"Ghana man time".  I walked in to the ward and said hello to the nurses and then sat down to wait for the doctors to get in.  One of the nurses brought out that tiny newborn i saw a couple of days ago and was feeding him.  Then she walked over to me and said "You hold my baby!!"....i was quite hesitant at first because he is TINY but she handed him over.  He was the most precious thing ever and the entire time i could not stop staring at him.  Poor little guy was born a little early and is only 1.5 kg (3.3 pounds)...however they still are not sure why he was not up to a full gestational size since he wasnt that early.  They are monitoring him and doing a bunch of tests to try to figure out what may have been the cause.  I was so excited that i got to hold him, its an amazing feeling to hold this tiny human being, i cant even imagine what it will be like to have my own!  15 minutes later the doctors arrived and i followed them around as they checked up on their patients in the ward.  Its a bit difficult for me since there's the problem of the language barrier and i can not understand anything that is being said between the doctors and the patients.  They did a pretty good job of explaining to me afterward, but i just feel like i would be able to learn so much more if it was all communicated in English. Then i went with one of the doctors over to the maternity ward and watched her perform the newborn baby checks.  After, we went over to the office where they took in patients.  I have to say i had a pretty traumatizing experience today here.  A 2 year old little girl comes in with her mother and the second she sees me she flinches and grabs onto her mommy really tight. Then she starts crying, i told the doctors i think shes afraid of me! They were asking the mom and she said that the little girl is really afraid of obrunis and even light colored skin Ghanaians.  The doctors just thought this was so funny, and im sitting there as this poor little girl is absolutely terrified of me and wont even look my way.  They kept telling here that im her friend and i wont do anything to her! One of the doctors tried to get her to look over at me and when i looked at her she literally screamed bloody murder and i felt so awful i almost walked out.  I felt horrible that me sitting there was scaring her that much.  The doctor gave me a piece of gum to give to you can imagine by this time im terrified to go near her but they said just do it.  So i did and she quickly snatched it from my hand!! When they were leaving, her mom told her to wave goodbye to me, and she turned and looked and waved to me. So, we made some progress!! After they had seen all the patients, i was talking to Dr. Tetteh about all these bites i got the other night. I woke up with about 10 bites a couple mornings ago...a few on each calve, a few on my lower back and my wrist.  I think that they are spider bites but when i told her that she said "spiders in ghana dont bite!!" Im not so sure that i believe that, she said they are mosquito bites, but the dont look like them at all and it doesnt make any sense why i would have this many! I sleep every night with a mosquito net and wear my repellent every day.  She asked if she could take a look at them.  She said they look infected and she wrote me a prescription for bactroban cream.  I thought this was so nice of her! It helps to know people thats for sure.

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