This past weekend I traveled to Busua Beach with 2 of my friends, Kelsey and Julia. We left Friday after class and took a 4 hour tro tro ride to get to Takoradi where we caught another tro tro to a small town near the beach. The tro tro we took to Takoradi, I have to say was probably the nicest tro tro I have been in since I got here! It had air conditioning!!!!! Anyway, we arrived in a small town near Busua and took a taxi to the little beach town of Busua. We arrived at nighttime so it was dark and difficult to see how beautiful this place really was! We immediately went to a place called the Alaska Beach Club where we planned to stay. We just wanted to get 1 room with 1 bed for 2 nights, and we would all squeeze in together. This was our cheapest option and the man who greeted us as we arrived was fine with this, however the manager was not. He said the room was only for 2 people and that we would have to get the room with 2 beds (which was twice the price). He wasn’t very nice and didn’t budge at all with us. He told us we could find somewhere else and then walked away to the office. We went in and begged and pleaded with him, which led us finally to get the room, thank goodness! After we dropped all of our stuff off, we walked in to the town and found a place to sit and eat, called Frank’s Restaurant. Frank was so friendly and nice. I ordered an egg sandwich, which turned out to be 4 egg sandwiches! We went to bed early so we could get up early and spend the day at the beach!
We woke up at about 7 am Saturday morning. I walked around a bit and could clearly see how beautiful this place was, I felt as if I were in paradise! We went back to Frank’s for breakfast and ordered chocolate banana pancakes…OMG were they delicious!!!! As we were sitting waiting for our food, it started raining. This was a bummer since we were hoping to have lots of sun and lay out on the beach the whole day. While Julia surfed for a lot of the day, Kelsey and I decided we weren’t going to just sit around and let the rain ruin our day…so we ran out on the beach in to the rain and went swimming in the ocean. Even though it was raining, it was still really hot out! The water was so warm and felt amazing. I felt like I was a little kid again running around in the sand in the rain and not having a care at all. Oh yes, I forgot to mention the monkeys, how could I forget?…..There were 3 monkeys running around where we were staying and if you know me, you can imagine I was terrified of these things! They were crazy!!! For a minute I felt like I was in a zoo…3 monkeys, 2 dogs, 3 puppies, and a cat running around. As Kelsey and I got out of the water to go sit on a chair, one of the larger monkeys came up real close to us and I got really nervous. One of the dogs was sitting next to me….all of the sudden I see the monkey fly off the table towards me and the dog. I ran, screaming at the top of my lungs, out on to the beach towards the ocean, while the dog went running after me (probably hoping id save it from the monkey jumping on its back), and the monkey ran after the dog. I was absolutely terrified and jumped straight in to the water! I seriously thought this thing was going to jump on me. I wish we had this on video because looking back on it, it was a pretty funny sight to see, although at the time I was scared for my life! We ate lunch on the beach where we were staying. I had a hamburger for the first time being here, and it was good, although it was definitely no In N Out! I was a bit worried about the meat upsetting my stomach since I haven’t eaten much meat here, but I was fine. At night we went back in to town and got some street food from Frank’s sister for dinner. We went back to where we stayed and sat out by the beach. Some guys from the surf shop a few places down started a bonfire and played drums out on the beach before the party started. There were a bunch of young boys hanging around singing as the drums played, playing on the hammock and climbing in the tree. One of the boys, CJ, recognized me from the night earlier when we had bought drinks from his stand. We ended taking a bunch of pictures with the kids. I sat on the hammock and they all piled on with me.. you will see from my pictures they all jumped on with me and were swinging the hammock like crazy! I had a lot of fun, I think you will be able to see it in my facial expressions, lol. As I was getting swung in this hammock by a bunch of wild kids, I felt someone kiss me on the cheek! I said “Hey!! Who just kissed me?!” They all laughed and wouldn’t fess up. I said to the little boy next to me “It was you wasn’t it!” He just laughed and did it again. It was really sweet. One thing I love here is that children have learned to make their own fun…something I think children in the states could learn from. They don’t have laptops, or tv’s, or gameboys, or iphones to sit and occupy their time with, instead they make their own fun playing in the hammock or climbing in the trees. Anyway, after this we walked down the beach to the Black Star Surf shop where they were having a party for everyone in the town to go to. There were SO many people….especially children! Music was blasting and people were dancing, there was a fire out on the beach with kids everywhere. It was a lot of fun to watch some of the guys do a sort of dance off, and watch as one little boy joined in with the older guys. He sure could dance I tell ya! I love how happy everyone was and it just goes to show you how true it really is that “music is a common language”. I have especially noticed here how whenever music is playing, people will stop what they are doing and dance, not caring at all what others think. I have noticed just how truly happy people are.
Heres a video i made of my you can make it larger by just clicking the arrows in the bottom right corner!
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